On a bright August summers morning ladies from the Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers gathered together to visit Somerset House.

Somerset House is a spectacular neo-classical building in the heart of London, sitting between the Strand and the River Thames. During summer months 55 fountains dance in the courtyard, and in winter you can skate on London's favourite ice rink.

Somerset House began its life in the 16th century as the London home of Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset. All was not well during the building process as a number of churches and chapels had to be demolished during the process which was a most provocative move and resulted in the Duke’s arrest and brief removal to the Tower of London.  After the Duke was executed, Somerset House became a crown property and was subsequently home to the Queens of England.

The building we see today was built in the 18th century after the original house fell into disrepair and housed a number of government departments, most famously the General Registry Office, and also Inland Revenue, the Navy Board and the Society of Antiquaries.  Nowadays Somerset House is a centre of excellence for culture and the arts.

The ladies visited various parts of the building, including the Nelson’s Stairs.

After the visit, the ladies made their way to Tom’s Kitchen for a convivial lunch.

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