Lead BossierHeavy wooden lump hammer used to shape lead and dress down into position....
Lead Brick:Used when building walls that are circular on plan. When the first one or two courses have been set ...
LevellingThe process of using a spirit level to check and mark levels....
LimeObtained by calcining limestone (carbonate of lime), in a kiln, the heat drives off carbonic acid le...
Lime MortarMade from a hydrated lime and soft sand; proportions will vary from 1:4 to 1:6 depending on the sand...
Line and Pins:The line is used, between two corners, to control the gauge and face alignment of each course as the...
Lintel:Horizontal beam to carry a wall over a door or window opening. When formed of reinforced concrete th...
LippingTerm used to describe adjacent tiles that are not in the same plane. Permitted tolerances are set ou...
ListelloHighly decorated border tile....
LoadingDesigned mechanical machine with ladders and loading platform...
Lump HammerAlso referred to as a club hammer with a head weight of 1 kg for use with a bolster or cold chisel....
Lump Hammer:Also known as a Club Hammer it has a short, square section, head with a weight of 1kg; the edges of ...
Machine Made BrickThese can be made, and known, as either a Wire-Cut Brick or a Pressed-Brick. The Wire-Cut is produce...
Majolica tileModern imitation of Renaissance white earthenware glaze with coloured decoration....
Mansard A roof slope normally pitched at 65¡ from Horizontal at the upper level elevation of a buildin...
Marble MosaicHand produced material cut from strips of natural stone. Sizes range from 10 - 25 mm. Mosaic is pape...
MarginThe exposed face of a slate or tile to the lower edge of the slate or tile immediately above...
Mechanical FixingA metal grid fixed to background concrete to enable large tiles or ceramic sheets to be anchored bac...
Mechanical keyTreatment of backgrounds to improve adhesion either by raking out joints, forming keying grooves in ...
Metal edging trimProprietary item largely replacing rounded edges for external angles available in aluminium, brass o...