All Change!

The first week of October is a busy week for the members of the City companies.  The new Sheriffs (Aldermanic Sheriff Vincent Keaveny and Non-aldermanic Sheriff Liz Green) took office on 28th September and the election of the Lord Mayor took place on 1st October.  Many Masters are installed around this time, including the Master of the Worshipful Company of Tylers and Bricklayers.

All Liverymen who had been clothed before the previous May are entitled to take part in the Election process for the Lord Mayor which takes place at Guildhall, and the event is called Common Hall.  

Electing a Lord Mayor

Common Hall follows the same process year in year out, and begins with a procession of Officers of the City and Livery Company Masters (including Master Jeff Fuller - see below) to St Lawrence Jewry for a short church service and thence to the Great Hall. 

 Whilst the Service takes place Liverymen take their place in the Great Hall.  This year I sat with Catherine Fuller, Master’s Consort and Framework Knitter and Colin Menzies, Tyler and Bricklayer.  The time before processions begin gave us time to chat to fellow Liverymen and marvel at the gothic architecture of the Hall and to spot details of the trials of some famous individuals that had taken place there including Lady Jane Grey, otherwise known as the Nine Day Queen.

Common Hall opens with the Common Cryer and Serjeant-at-Arms calling for silence with a booming voice directing “all gentlemen to be uncovered in the Hall” and “all those who are not Liverymen to depart the Hall on pain of imprisonment.”

The livery was invited to vote for two aldermen (who have also served sheriff), from which two the Court of Aldermen would then choose one. The names of each were announced by the Common Serjeant, in the order in which was expected they would go forward. The response to the first name read out was “Aye”, the second name response “Next time” and the third “Later”.  The first two names were deemed elected, and the Court of Aldermen then withdrew to choose the first. 

There were no surprises as Alderman Peter Estlin processed back into the Hall alongside the current Lord Mayor Alderman William Bowman.  After speeches by Mayor Elect Alderman Peter Estlin and the two newly retired Sheriffs Common Hall closed and everyone then made a rapid exit from Guildhall to try and catch a few photos of the newly elected Alderman.

Tylers and Bricklayers repaired to Stationers’ Hall for a convivial lunch.

One day to go!

With an Installation Speech written, this Master Elect had to ensure beds were made, the larder filled and baking and cooking under way ahead of the arrival of four generations of the family joining Malcolm and me for Installation Day.

Installation Day

With the family gathered together we headed up to London for this very special day.

Whilst the Master Elect joined fellow members of the Court for a brief meeting, our Consort Elect, family and partners of Court Assistants enjoyed coffee before we all departed for St. Margaret Lothbury and the Installation Ceremony and Service.

During the Ceremony the Master Elect swears an Oath of allegiance to Her Majesty and to keep the affairs of the Company in good order for the coming year; the outgoing Master is relieved of his cloak and is presented with a Past Master’s Badge, in this case Deputy Master Jeff Fuller received his father’s badge.  The new Upper Warden and Renter Wardens receive their badges and gowns of office and then it is the turn of the Mistress to hand over her badge of office to the new Consort.

After this short ceremony, the Master and Wardens retire to the Vestry for a few minutes before processing back into the Church for the Installation Service.

As Master Elect I was invited to choose the hymns and music for the Service and was delighted to be able to choose my three favourite hymns together with the reading from Paul to the Corinthians on the subject of charity.  Reverend Prebendary Jeremy Crossley gave his usual wonderful sermon and Honorary Chaplain John Cook led the prayers.
After the Service we processed back to Carpenters’ Hall following the new Company banner made by the very talented Past Mistress Catherine Fuller.  

A glass of champagne went down very well as the new Master, Consort, Upper Warden Michel Saminaden with his wife Maureen, and Renter Warden Simon Martin greeted all the guests.

Our guest of honour for the lunch was Chris Moores, CEO of The Clink Charity, which had been our Charity of the Year, and Master Carpenter Peter Birt QC.

There followed a most convivial lunch followed by speeches of welcome to our guests from Alex Maclean Bather, a toast to our guests by Liveryman Diana Malzer, a response by Chris Moores, and then my own as Master.  

During the speech I was delighted to be able to present Chris Moores with a cheque for £5000 as a result of fundraising during the year.

And so begins a new era for the Tylers and Bricklayers with their first lady Master at the helm!